Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 20th

Sorry for these being delayed but I have just been so tired from not getting much sleep this past weekend to be able to post these. I have been keeping a short outline of what I do that day so I am not forgetting anything. I know for a fact that you are all enjoying my move by move detailed posts of what I do during my day; don't even try and deny it!

Ok, so I woke up and had my first bowl of the Italian version of cocoa puffs. They weren't good but they weren't too bad, I was just envisioning them tasting as good as American cocoa puffs, but they don't. I would compare them to an Aldi version. You know, not the original, but they don't taste horrible? Well, hopefully they will get better as I go through the bag. I guess that is also what I get for buying the least expensive cereal on the shelf! I had some apricot joghurt with it and surprisingly that was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I am so happy that the joghurt tastes as good as it does, it was inexpensive and a great source of probiotics!

In my cad class I started to learn a program called Revit and (you are going to have to bare with me on this) it is the coolest program I think I have EVER used! It is a mixture of sketchup, autocad, 3d autocad, and photoshop. It is the coolest program next to sims and I CAN'T wait to continue learning it! The best part is that I am only at the beginning of using it; I still have so much to learn! It is going to be a great semester! After class, my teacher and I tried to go to a restaurant but it was closed for a private party so we will have to try again next week. It is really nice to have a teacher ask you out to lunch. I have never had that experience and it made me feel very special. Kind of like she doesn't look at me like I am just some student, she looks at me like I am a peer and I love that feeling. She is a very nice and patient woman who I am very thankful to have as a teacher.

After we separated, I still hadn't had lunch and so I went to a little cafe around the corner from my next class's building and got a prosciutto and artichoke sandwich which was mouth wateringly good. I am so excited to get artichokes this weekend at the supermarket so I can have these sandwiches ALL next week! YUM!

I had Italian class after lunch and I got almost all of my answers on my homework correct! I was so happy. I thought I was not doing well but it turns out that I am actually doing ok! I have been using the words that I know here and there and the Italians are a lot more friendly than people led me to believe. If you speak slowly and try to speak to them in Italian, they are willing to help you and are very patient with you. When I don't know a word, I simply ask, and then continue saying what I was saying or asking. Ok guys, obviously I am not fluent, but I have started getting by and my confidence in my Italian has started to grow. I am making flashcards this weekend so I can start practicing more and more.

After class I came home and got ready to go for a run. I went on my run and stayed near the river so there would be people around and also so that I wouldn't get lost. I was doing great on my run and when it was over I felt amazing. I am so thankful to God that he gave me the ability to be able to go on long runs and that I can use that time to go through my rosary and prayer cycle, it is amazing and I don't know how else to explain the feeling other than that. I got home and mapped out my run on google maps because I was very curious as to how far I ran. I RAN 6.213 MILES IN UNDER AN HOUR!!!! That is awesome! I didn't hurt after and my knees never once hurt! I guess that is the big Guy upstairs way of telling me to pray more and I am totally fine with!

After showering Courtney and I started our dinner which was an actual Italian dish! It was sausage, pepper, onion, garlic, eggplant and I had a little rice with mine, Court made herself a salad. It was SO good! I can't wait to have it for dinner again! It was so flavorful and SO healthy. Ok ok ok , I know sausage isn't at all healthy for you, but that was the only non healthy thing in there. Pretty good, right? I think so!

We finished dinner and the dishes then got started on homework. I was about to go to bed when a friend facebooked me asking a question about an assignment that was apparently due in the morning. I had totally forgotten about the paper that I was supposed to write so I had to do that before going to bed. It was a paper for my wine class where we had to pick a time period and say why they had the best wine. I argued in my paper that the Italian middle ages had the best wine. I have no idea why I chose that, but it turned out to be pretty good paper!

Con amore, Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. I dont know...the Germaniac Tribes back in the third century were famous for their wine... that they stole after raiding villages around Europe...
