Friday, August 26, 2011

oh gosh

So here we are on the Friday before I leave and I can hardly believe it! South Carolina flew by in a flash (as it always does) and I can't believe I am leaving in just a few short days! There is so much to do and such little time to get everything done! I still have so much laundry and cleaning to do that it amazes me. One of my favorite jokes is saying that I don't have anything to wear. HA! I am the biggest clothes horse around and I am proud of it. I may not have the most fashionable style, but I do love clothes.

So South Carolina was amazing as always and I can't wait to go again! I was able to score an extra day of vacation and a free flight from Spirit because they over booked the plane! Obviously this wasn't a problem. It was amazing seeing such great friends while I was there and the tearful goodbyes were so bittersweet. Allow me to be weird for a little bit, please. Everyone says that they hate goodbyes. A dirty little secret of mine? I kind of like them. I know that sounds horrible but it is true. I love the goodbye hug and all the emotion that comes out in those few precious moments. We all knew that the time would come to an end and the the goodbye was inevitable, but I love the emotion and vulnerability that comes from those tears and the embrace. I know, I know, that is kind of a morbid way of looking at something, but I would prefer to see the glass half full.

We had a little scare with the apartment mate situation. Courtney was switched out but luckily, that little Texan fireball was able to get herself back to where she belongs, in apartment Borgo Tegolaio 9- failli Room #1with MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Well, I have a lot of laundry to get done and I was thinking of maybe weeding the garden today! A little surprise for mom and dad.

Con amore, Ciao!

p.s. 4 DAYS

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

almost there

So as many of you know, this thursday is the end of my summer semester. And let me tell you, it has been a tough semester. Whoever invented summer school clearly loved winter. It has been such a terrible semester mostly because of how nice the weather has been. The classes have been great and I have been blest to have such great friends to bring me through it, but I am SO ready for thursday evening and to be sitting on the 840 train.

This past weekend I ran my first (of many) half marathon! It was awesome! The girls who ran with me were so supportive and Chris ran the last 6 with me! What a trooper! It really was a great day. I trained so long and hard for this stinkin thing, it was nice to have a goal met. And just so all of you are aware of what an amazing accomplishment this is for me, in January, I couldn't even run a mile. I started off in January with three goals: 1. To finish under 2 hrs and 30 minutes. 2. To not be the last participant crossing the finish line. and 3. to not walk more than I had to. These goals were accomplished by: 1. my final time being 2hrs 24 mins and 19  seconds! 2. I ran faster than a third of the participants. 3. I walked a total of three city blocks! How amazing! I am seriously so proud of myself and I can't wait to complete my next one!

So needless to say, I am definitely in need of a break, both mentally and physically. 

Well, luckily South Carolina is on friday and then ITALY is just around the corner!

Ok so update on Italy :)

I have been talking with my compagno di stanza, Courtney, and I am so excited! She seems like such a sweetheart and I feel like her and I are going to get along SO well. I feel like that is 3/4th the battle. If you have a nice roommate situation, they are there to help you through all of the other hard times you will have and will be supportive. I am so excited to meet her! I have had such great luck with roommates I feel like the big Guy upstairs is really looking out for me. I had a random my freshman year at ISU and I couldn't have been given a better roommie. Kelly has helped me through some very tough times and she is one of my very, very dear friends.

So, with one test and one project left, I am almost down to five semesters until I graduate! So exciting! Well, I better get going on those, think I should start them yet?

just kidding, obviously :)

Con amore, Ciao!

p.s. 13 days

Friday, August 5, 2011

And so it begins

BUONGIORNO! I told myself that I wasn't going to start posting until I was actually abroad because that was the purpose of this blog but after thinking about it, I figured I would get all of you excited along with me.

Yesterday I picked up my student visiti and today I made the final tuition payment. It is official ladies and gentlemen, or I should say signore e signori, I am going!

To many of you on the outside of my inner circle of communication, this has been a very long and difficult process. Almost every step of the way there has been a hiccup, but with God with me, I have made it this far. 

I am very excited and nervous, it hasn't hit me quite yet, but I am sure it will once I am there. School is not over yet so that is one thing that is helping to distract me. Finals are approaching and I am scrambling to get everything done. I have a crazy next few weeks ahead of me.
Here it is:
14th is my half marathon (I can't believe that it is almost here)
15th-18th I have finals
19th work until 11 then head to the aeroporto because I leave for South Carolina at 1
24th I return
27th is my first time in a casino! with kelly, obviously to people watch
30th I leave for Italy! my plane departs at 4pm :)

So! I have a crazy next few weeks but I love it! I am so excited and so blessed to have this opportunity! With thanks going to the big Guy upstairs and to my loved ones, I am just so thankful.

I hope this was a successful first posting and if you have any suggestions just let me know! I am obviously new at this :)

Con amore, Ciao!

p.s. 25 days